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Vital5 Box Forever Freedom offers the 5 key products that together form the foundation for a vital life.

When combined, these 5 core products form the basis for any customized nutrition program. Even if you have a balanced diet, nutritional supplements can be a good addition to your daily diet.

This Vital5 box also includes the Forever Freedom aloe drink, which contains MSM, glucosamine and chondroitin in addition to the benefits of the Forever Aloe Vera Gel. This makes it not only a perfect basic nutrient supplement, but also the ideal drink for athletes.

Forever supports the importance of living a healthy lifestyle with a varied, balanced diet.

Vital5Box Forever Freedom contains:

  •     4 Forever Freedom
  •     1 Forever Daily
  •     1 Forever Active Pro-B
  •     1 Forever Arctic Sea
  •     1 ARGI+
  •     1 Brochure Vital 5 EN


Forever F.I.T Vital5 program ONE HEALTHY BASE


Would you like to get fitter and tighter? C9 is a balanced cleansing program that will get you started in 9 days! You follow an effective nutrition plan, become aware of your pitfalls and start exercising. The result after 9 days is the ultimate motivation to continue. This program is the perfect kick-start to a healthier lifestyle!

Drink plenty of water
Drinking eight glasses of water (2 liters) a day can help you feel satiated, get rid of waste products and contributes to healthy skin and good health.

Eat colorful foods
Eating colorful fruits and vegetables is a good way to get enough nutrients. These foods are relatively low in calories but high in dietary fiber.

Get moving
Exercising at least 30 minutes every day contributes to a healthy and vital life. You don't have to go to the gym to do this. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a walk around the block or take a bike ride. The important thing is to get moving!

Sleep yourself fit
It is sometimes forgotten that a good night's sleep is part of a healthy lifestyle, when it can make a big difference. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night restores your body and mind, so you wake up rested and ready for a new day!


If you are currently taking any form of medication or are under medical treatment, for example, for diabetes or heart defects, we recommend that you see a physician before starting any exercise program and/or dietary supplement. Forever F.I.T. (C9, F15, Vital5) is not suitable if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding. ©2020 Forever Living Products. Subject to change. EN M712.8
N.B. If you are currently taking any form of medication or are under medical treatment, for example, for diabetes or heart conditions, we recommend that you see a physician before starting any exercise program and/or dietary supplement. Forever F.I.T. (C9, F15, Vital5) is not suitable if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding.
Les produits Forever Vital 5 en Français

* Health claim pending European approval. Source texts: Forever living FBO shop

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